Steven Kyritsis

A showcase of my projects and abilities.

100 Days of Code: JavaScript

Follow me along my journey! This project is currently a work in progress and is meant for you to follow me along my journey of 100 Days of Code in JavaScript! I have always been under the impression that the best way to learn is to simply do it and that is why I am taking on the challenge of learning JavaScript through doing 100 different projects every day.

Click the image to check out my GitHub repository!

Matrix C++ Project

The Matrix Project was a project which was completed while studying at Bergen Community College. It displays a menu with user prompts for choosing different ways the user can either create or manipulate a matrix of data. As long as the user did not enter the exit command the program would continue to run, returning the user back to the menu after selecting an operation.

Statistics Python Project

The Statistics Python Project was a project I had started on the side while studying at New Jersey Institute of Technology. This program fully functions as a program which calculates the Standard Deviation, the Median, Mode, Mean, Quartiles, interquartile range, Variance, and checks for any outliers of any data set which is given. I would like to continue to improve upon it by including user input and input validation in the near future. Click on the picture to check it out!

Snake Java Project

The Snake Java Project was a project I had done while studying at Bergen Community College. This program fully functions as a game of snake. For those who haven't played snake, the objective is pretty simple. Eat as many "apples" as you can, navigating the terrain without touching your tail! With each "apple" you eat you gain more points as well as more length to your snake. Go on and download the code to try it out for yourself!


Throughout my years of schooling and working I have acquired a unique set of skills which my former superiors have deemed to be very useful in the workplace.

  • Clean Coding Structure
  • RESTful API
  • Team Collaborating
  • Cisco Certified (CCNA)
  • Repairing Computer Hardware
  • Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

All of the skills listed contribute to me being able to come up with very out-of-the-box solutions for any company I have worked for.

Coding Languages

Languages used (YTD)

My Experience With Raspberry Pi's

Experienced Linux user with a lifelong passion for the platform, starting from my Ubuntu 10 days and extending into my extensive use of Raspberry Pi devices. I've leveraged Linux in various projects, from crafting intercom systems to capturing and manipulating Bluetooth serial data. Whether it's harnessing Raspberry Pi's capabilities to organize data into datasets or developing tailored applications, my expertise in Python scripting has enabled me to accumulate a vast knowledge base in programming for Raspberry Pi.

My journey with Raspberry Pi's has also honed my proficiency in the Linux/UNIX command line terminal. Tasks such as remote SSH access and seamless SFTP file transfers have become second nature to me, underscoring my comfort with these technologies.

Experienced IT Professional

Over 7 years of experience in the IT industry. My IT background has been a pivotal asset in my journey as a software engineer. While many programmers and computer scientists may overlook the importance of Information Technology, my strong foundation in IT has proven to be immensely beneficial. It has provided me with a profound comprehension of data transmission and reception, enabling me to grasp the intricate flow of data within networks. This understanding equips me with the agility to troubleshoot errors swiftly, whether they arise in web applications or REST API-based systems.

My Resume

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